Friday, July 1, 2011

E-books &/or Print On Demand Publishing

The world of internet publishing includes digital copies of books in and out of print, books that are only found in digital form, and digital works that can be printed in book form according to demand, called Print-On-Demand or POD publishing. Publishing music and other translatable mediums is also possible on the internet, with opportunities for self-publishing and promotion.

The sites that publish E-books vary greatly. I self-published two books using Do-It-Yourself sites: Cafe Press and Lulu. At these sites, it is possible to design your book cover to cover, following specific guidelines for formatting (Adobe PDF files were required).  There is no up-front fee and I was able to hold a paperback copy of my book in my hands for roughly $7.00 a book with the option to order one or thousands, the price decreasing as the quantity increases.

Cafe Press no longer publishes books, but Lulu is still active. Like other self-publishing sites, Lulu offers design and promotion packages with varied features in addition to do-it-yourself directions.

While I succeeded in my goal to hold one of my books in my hands, I never sold any except to myself, even with the free bar code I obtained through Lulu. For a self-publishing author to actually sell books to the public is a trickier row to hoe.

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