Thursday, June 23, 2011

KD Rouse, Future Librarian..Published Author?

KD Rouse--Inventory 2011

I have stories in files, books in bags, home-made books,
self-published books, loose manuscripts, books with
soundtracks, hundreds of CD's and tapes, in addition to
countless digitized files on the computer.

I am exploring multi-media publishing and promotion via the internet through UNC-Greensboro where I am studying for a Master's degree in Library and Information Studies.

Because I have been writing for years and never been published, I have many choices of my own work to try to publish. As I am curious about the current state of traditional publishing, I would like to provide contrast to my study by interviewing a working book agent to find out what he/she can provide that publishing opportunities on the web cannot.
Are book agents and large publishing companies becoming unnecessary? Once one chooses publishing arenas, what promotion tools are available to the author on the net? Is internet promotion enough or does an effective marketing campaign include a variety of methods?  At my project's end, I would like to have comprehensive knowledge of publishing and promotion via the internet and a clearer understanding of the state of traditional publishing.
I would also like to understand how the explosion of electronic publishing is impacting the library and its future, including the American Library Associations' (ALA) position and response regarding issues related to electronic publishing, and what my local library offers in the way of e-books and e-book readers. Are we transitioning to a paperless society or are we merely incorporating electronic publishing to our traditional system of publishing,  printing, and housing books?
If I choose to use any of the sites in my search to publish my own finished works, it will be a bonus.

The American Library Association

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