Saturday, June 18, 2011

Library and Information Science at University of North Carolina at Greensboro

I thought I chose Library School, but as I learn I have more the sense that it chose me. Until my children were grown, I wrote songs and stories on the sidelines. My children were the center of my world, and my 'Check and Balance.'
Songwriting, and eventually performing were my little hobby, and when too much music swirled in my head, I would paint.
I have amassed a collection of unpublished works by me, KD Rouse.
I have spent countless hours organizing, filing, alphabetizing, and digitizing the collected works of KD Rouse. I have craved order and meaning and ways to communicate with myself and the world. A song doesn't feel like a song unless it is heard; A story not a story...
Anyway, it turns out Library School is all about creating order within chaos. It is about freedom, and equality, the right to learn and being GateKeepers to information.
After Dr. Hersberger nudged my accepted reality, I decided that Library School called to me from my desperate WallyWood world to teach me the skills I need to harvest my years of creation.

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