Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ants, Stars, and Libraries

There are starts and finishes, but no beginning or end.
The infinite is in ants and stars.
The finite is in ants and stars.
Go in, in, and further in to an ant's eyelashes, and in, in, further in to the teardrop wobbling on a single lash,and in and beyond to worlds and causations behind the tear, and it goes on and so on until it's too much, and too little to see.
Dream of God with the universe as your ceiling, the stars rushing by, bigger and bigger, and bigger still until it's too much too much and too big to fathom, and find yourself right back with the ants.
Humanity is more ant than star, but ants are not forgetful of their Oneness.
To continue to elevate humanity, no one must be left behind. All of the world's citizens must have their basic needs met, and have at least the opportunity to love the library.
The library is bigger than four walls. It is concrete dedication to freedom, and must be protected for the sake of our future generations.